
January 8, 2011

Sarah “Don’t Retreat, Reload!” Palin, proud owner of a map using rifle-scope crosshairs to mark states with Democrats who displeased Mama Grizzly, now wants to offer her “sincere condolences” to the family of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (one of the Dems Palin marked with the crosshairs) and the other victims of the Arizona shootings.  Michele Bachman, friend of anti-government extremist cults, says her “tears are flowing” over the incident.  John “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran” McCain wants everyone to know the shooter is a disgrace to Arizona.

There’s going to be a great rush to quarantine the alleged shooter as a loner, a weirdo whose Internet rambling in no way link him to the little tinpot warriors of wingerdom. It’s going on right now, in fact. And it’s garbage. There have been other gun-crazed wackos who get their news and opinion from Glenn Beck and all the other bottom-feeders. This Arizona shooting is just the latest example of what happens when a political party and its attendant propaganda channels make crazy into their lingua franca.

I don’t care how many crocodile tears Bachmann, Palin, and all the other career sleazes shed. They own this. They’ve lying to loons and poisoning our politics to make money and keep power, and when one of their deluded followers decides to take them at their word and act on his convictions, they can’t pretend it has nothing to do with them. It has everything to do with them.

They have spent years demonizing Democrats and liberals, imagining a sinister alternate universe where liberals are in control of everything, and the President is actually a Kenyan-born dictator who wants to establish death panels for the elderly. They smirk about “second-amendment solutions” to politicians they don’t like, and talk about watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants when Obama talks about reining in the ability of health insurers to screw their customers. And this is where that crazy talk leads us.

So, I guess we can’t use the term “teabaggers” anymore. It’s no longer appropriate. They’re bodybaggers.

5 Responses to “Bodybaggers”

  1. Anonymoose Says:

    ‘Teabagger’ is a vulgarism is certain parts of our American Culture.

    I think you betray a great deal of your own excess baggage in this article, from that term alone through your off-topic hatred.

    You hate this country, yet you are here as the best of all possible systems. Your contempt is not helping to educate people, only to vent yourself.

    Try again and try to be a little less vile.

  2. Steven Hart Says:

    Just don’t shoot anybody now.

  3. me Says:

    A writer on the Daily Kos said that Giffords was “dead to me” after she dared vote against Queen Pelosi. That sure sounds like “hate” speech. Do you think there will be laws to keep the media from printing things about “politicians they don’t like”?

  4. Steven Hart Says:

    Sorry, bubbie, but “He’s dead to me” is a joking reference to disowning a family member.But keep scratching around, by all means.

  5. hey akhilesh, i stumbled upon ur blog through pure chance.. im a junior in pgp1, joined really late, so we haven’t even interacted.. anyway i liked ur Click

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